Executive & Leadership Coaching
Reflect deeply, think creatively, connect divergent dots, and include what’s on the margins. Become more confident, more empowering, and more aware of your leadership impact.
Facilitation for Partners & Teams
A strong, inclusive and psychologically safe team or partnership will support your sense of connection, fulfillment and purpose, creating impact far beyond the office.
Every couple is unique, even when I’ve seen the pattern hundreds of times. Bring increased awareness, actionable skills and greater satisfaction to your relationships.
personal development
Address an issue, solve a problem, or work on awareness and growth. Find purpose in your obstacles and meaning in your dreams. Make your story make sense.
I’m jan dworkin
I know the human landscape.
I bring a deep background in the field of psychology to my work with individuals, partners and teams. Whether I’m working with a CEO, a Creative, a team in conflict or a couple in crisis, I’ll walk you to that fertile place at the edges of what’s known and familiar. I’ll help you develop the awareness, skills and resilience needed for sustained behavioral change.