Posts in Personal Growth
Innovation: Medieval Style

Change management: passé. Conflict resolution: no longer sexy at all. Innovation: it’s the thing—the elixir for today.

There are countless ways to think about innovation. Wait… Isn’t every new thought about innovation an innovation? Well, no. Not unless that creative thought results in the implementation of something new. Innovation involves putting ones creative ideas to work.

Why the rage? Why are so many smart people—artists, designers, educators, engineers and CEOs—all so concerned about whether or not they are doing it?

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Look Who Thinks She's Nothing

Most of us have not cultivated a welcoming stance towards disturbances, especially ones that interfere with our goals and intentions.  Whether it is an unsightly cold sore on the day of a big presentation, a piece of negative feedback from someone we respect or the appearance in our inbox of someone we hooked up with on that crazy drunken night all those years ago, disturbances are rarely met with open arms or attitudes.

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